Saturday, 30 July 2011

Winning Execution Strategies for Your Situation

Ultimate Leadership

Ultimate Leadership: Winning Execution Strategies for Your Situation
by Russell E. Palmer

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Book Description
To succeed, leaders must understand and apply the core principles of leadership--but that’s not enough. You need to shape your approach for any unique situation. Too many leaders don’t know how to do that--and that’s why they fail. Ultimate Leadership shows how to adapt the principles of leadership to different challenges, contexts, and organizations.

Russell E. Palmer--who has had three very different, highly successful careers as head of one of the world’s largest accounting firms, Dean of the Wharton School, and an entrepreneur--helps you identify the leadership model most appropriate for your environment, and how to lead accordingly. You’ll learn better ways to lead your equals, help an organization weather crises, transform its culture, lead entrepreneurial organizations, lead global organizations...even lead non-profit and academic institutions.

Then, drawing on interviews with an extraordinary spectrum of outstanding leaders, Palmer helps you master the attribute every leader must have: the ability to inspire your unique organization, even in the face of the most daunting challenges.

  • Achieving empowerment, even in classic “top-down” organizations - Exercising strong authority without falling victim to ego or closed-mindedness
  • Transforming an organization of peers - Driving changes in a strategic direction when key power centers disagree
  • Turning danger into opportunity - Mastering the art of rapid, focused, hands-on execution for organizations in crisis
  • Leading cultural change that sticks - Reconnecting structures, processes, and strategies with the new realities you face
  • Learning from the Wharton experience

Succeeding in an environment with widely diverse, highly influential stakeholders

About the Author
Russell E. Palmer is the owner and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Palmer Group, a corporate investment firm located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Before founding his own firm, he served as Dean of the Wharton School for seven years and prior to that he served for ten years as Managing Partner and CEO of Touche Ross & Co. (now Deloitte & Touche), an accounting and consulting firm. He became CEO of Touche Ross at age 37, the youngest person ever to attain that position in what is now the “Big Four” accounting firms.

After 27 years in the accounting and consulting profession, Mr. Palmer became Dean of the Wharton School. As the tenth Dean, and the first to come from the private sector, he shared his management experience with MBA students in a leadership course that he developed. He was instrumental in attracting more than 100 new faculty members to the School, building a new executive education program and complex and raising more than $125 million for the School. When he retired, the school was consistently ranked number one in undergraduate business education and in the top three MBA graduate programs.

In his current career with The Palmer Group, he has acquired more than thirty companies with the majority being in the educational field. All of these acquisitions have been successful investments, with the latest divestiture being a proprietary school group that was sold for $120 million.

Active in the outside business community, Mr. Palmer has served on 12 New York Stock Exchange boards, including Honeywell International, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., The May Department Stores Company, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, and Bethlehem Steel Corporation. He is a Trustee Emeritus of the University of Pennsylvania, a Trustee of the National Constitution Center, and a Member of the Smithsonian National Board.

Mr. Palmer graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude, from Michigan State University, and has received several honorary degrees. He has written and lectured extensively. His articles and essays have appeared in Business Week, the New York Times, the Journal of Accountancy, and other publications.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Delmar Nurse's Drug Handbook 2012 Edition

Delmar Nurse's Drug Handbook 2012 Edition

Delmar Nurse's Drug Handbook 2012 Edition
by George R. Spratto, Adrienne L. Woods

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Book Description
Put the latest edition of today's most trusted drug reference guide in your hands with DELMAR NURSE'S DRUG HANDBOOK™ 2012 EDITION. This essential resource clearly describes the most important information for over 770 of the latest and most common FDA-approved drugs. Each entry provides a wealth of information concerning drug action, pharmacokinetics, dosage, interactions, and contraindications. Clear guidelines are also provided for administration of drugs, communication with clients, and nursing considerations. This edition offers even more convenience with an iPhone/iPod touch Application that places the complete drug guide at your fingertips with enhanced search options.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
by William C. Lyons Ph.D. P.E., Gary J Plisga BS

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Book Description
This new edition of the Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering provides you with the best, state-of-the-art coverage for every aspect of petroleum and natural gas engineering. With thousands of illustrations and 1,600 information-packed pages, this text is a handy and valuable reference.

Written by over a dozen leading industry experts and academics, the Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering provides the best, most comprehensive source of petroleum engineering information available. Now in an easy-to-use single volume format, this classic is one of the true "must haves" in any petroleum or natural gas engineer's library.

  • A classic for the oil and gas industry for over 65 years!
  • A comprehensive source for the newest developments, advances, and procedures in the petrochemical industry, covering everything from drilling and production to the economics of the oil patch.
  • Everything you need - all the facts, data, equipment, performance, and principles of petroleum engineering, information not found anywhere else.
  • A desktop reference for all kinds of calculations, tables, and equations that engineers need on the rig or in the office.
  • A time and money saver on procedural and equipment alternatives, application techniques, and new approaches to problems.

About the Author
A professor of petroleum and natural gas engineering at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Rapid Review Biochemistry

Rapid Review Biochemistry: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access

Rapid Review Biochemistry
by John W. Pelley PhD, Edward F. Goljan MD

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Book Description
Get the most from your study time, and experience a realistic USMLE simulation with Rapid Review Biochemistry, 3rd Edition. This new reference in the highly rated Rapid Review Series is formatted as a bulleted outline with photographs, tables, and figures that address all the biochemistry information you need to know for the USMLE. And with Student Consult functionality, you can become familiar with the look and feel of the actual exam by taking a timed or a practice online test that includes 350 USMLE-style questions.

About the Author
John W. Pelley, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX; and Edward F. Goljan, MD, Professor and Chairman of Pathology, Oklahoma State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Tulsa, OK

Construction Scheduling

Construction Scheduling Principles and Practices

Construction Scheduling: Principles and Practices
by Jay S. Newitt

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Book Description
This text is a comprehensive, stand alone reference for project management scheduling. It features a unique combination of principles/fundamentals of scheduling and project management along with practical applications and tutorials of the 4 most common scheduling software programs -- Microsoft Project, Primavera Project Planner (P3), SureTrak, P6 Project Manager and Contractor. Having scheduling information and software instructions in one book obviates the need for two texts, and the exercises and examples in the scheduling portion are tied to the same exercises in the software portions.

"This is the most comprehensive scheduling book that I have read and would be the one I would choose as a text at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The added chapters provide the additional knowledge that is necessary but not provided by other texts. Bravo for the fire work."
— Charles Glagola, University of Florida

"This is an excellent reference for college-level construction management courses and industry practitioners could also greatly benefit from owning it. It is clear the author has years of actual construction management experience. The book is well written and makes complicated material relatively easy to understand."
— James Stein, Eastern Michigan University

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
by Michael Clifford, Kathy Simmons, Philip Shipway

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Book Description
An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering is an essential text for all first-year undergraduate students as well as those studying for foundation degrees and HNDs. The text gives a thorough grounding in the following core engineering topics: thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, dynamics, electricals and electronics, and materials science. As well as to mechanical engineers, the text will be highly relevant to civil, automotive, aeronautical/aerospace, and general engineering students. The text is written by an experienced team of first-year lecturers at the internationally renowned University of Nottingham. An accompanying website will provide resources for students and tutors, including worked examples of exam-style questions, multiple-choice self-assessment, and revision guides.

About the Author
Dr Michael Clifford has lectured at the University of Nottingham since 1998. He has taught a wide range of subjects including professional Studies, Computational and Numerical Techniques, Further Mathematical Techniques in Design and and Production and Fibre Reinforced Composites and Design. He has over seventy academic publications, including teaching case studies on the use of appropriate technology in further education. He also coordinates the Royal Academy of Engineering's Headstart programme at the University.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Materials for Civil & Construction Engineers

Materials for Civil Construction

Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers
by Michael S. Mamlouk, John P. Zaniewski

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Book Description
Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, 3/e is ideal for courses in Civil Engineering Materials, Construction Materials, and Construction Methods and Materials offered in Civil, Environmental, or Construction engineering departments.

This introduction gives students a basic understanding of the material selection process and the behavior of materials — a fundamental requirement for all civil and construction engineers performing design, construction, and maintenance. The authors cover the various materials used by civil and construction engineers in one useful reference, limiting the vast amount of information available to the introductory level, concentrating on current practices, and extracting information that is relevant to the general education of civil and construction engineers. A large number of experiments, figures, sample problems, test methods, and homework problems gives students opportunity for practice and review.

About the Author
Michael¿S.¿Mamlouk is Professor and Associate Chair (Undergraduate Studies) in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment at the Arizona State University's Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.

Dr. Mamlouk's main area of expertise includes pavement analysis and design, pavement maintenance and rehabilitation, and highway materials. He has served as the P.I. and Co-P.I. of many research projects sponsored by FHWA, NHI, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Arizona DOT, and various local agencies. Dr. Mamlouk has numerous publications and is the main author of a textbook Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers published by Prentice Hall. He is a professional engineer in the state of Arizona. He is a fellow of ASCE and a member of TRB, AAPT and ASTM.

John P. Zaniewski is a Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at West Virginia University's College of Engineering and Mineral Resources.

Dr. Zaniewski has 16 years of academic experience preceded by 11 years of practicing engineering. In 1996, he accepted the Asphalt Technology Professor position with the Civil and Environmental Engineering faculty at WVU. Dr. Zaniewski has over 50 publications in the areas of pavement design, materials and management systems. Dr. Zaniewski has co-authored textbooks on Modern Pavement Management and Materials for Civil and Construction Engineering.

Metallurgy and Corrosion Control in Oil & Gas Production

Oil and Gas Production

Metallurgy and Corrosion Control in Oil and Gas Production
by Robert Heidersbach

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Book Description
This practical guide for engineers and related professionals in the oil and gas production industries gives an insightful overview of why corrosion occurs in metals in drilling, producing wells, and pipelines; what responses are required when corrosion surfaces; and how the spread of corrosion can be greatly minimized by putting proper corrective measures in place.

Beginning with discussion of basic theoretical concepts associated with metallurgy and electro-chemistry, Metallurgy and Corrosion Control in Oil and Gas Production offers an all-encompassing perspective with useful lessons emphasizing the key roles of both the chemical and material aspects of corrosion. It teams reliable tactics with cutting-edge technologies to guide oil industries in formulating a battle plan to protect valuable equipment—from drilling rigs to the pipelines themselves—against the ferocious tenacity of ocean waters.

Dealing with subjects not taught in most formal classroom settings, this enlightening text:

  • Contains detailed photographs to illustrate descriptions in the text
  • Offers an introduction to corrosion for entry-level corrosion control specialists
  • Addresses corrosion technologies such as corrosion inhibitors and cathodic protection in greater detail than in any other currently available reference book
  • Provides guidance on the appropriate materials selection and corrosion control methods appropriate for use by oilfield engineers and managers
  • Explains what inspection and monitoring techniques can, and cannot, do to address corrosion and reliability issues

A significant and much-needed addition to an industry beset by technological and financial challenges, Metallurgy and Corrosion Control in Oil and Gas Production offers responsible solutions that oil companies can apply immediately to repress corrosion—and turn a major concern into a manageable one.

About the Author
Robert Heidersbach, PhD, is the President of Dr. Rust, Inc., a consulting firm that specializes in corrosion, metallurgy, and materials consulting for a variety of international clients, including oil and gas production, military hardware, construction, litigation, and failure analysis. He was previously a faculty member in ocean engineering at the University of Rhode Island, chemical engineering at Oklahoma State, and metallurgy and materials engineering at California Polytechnic State University.

Modeling & Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining

Modeling and Simulation of Petroleum Refining

The Ultimate Guide to Reactor Modeling in the Petroleum Refining Industry

Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining
by Jorge Ancheyta

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Book Description
A thorough understanding of the chemical processes occurring in catalytic reactors is essential for anyone involved in the development of new technologies in the petroleum refining industry. This book offers a detailed, up-to-date treatment of the main conversion processes employed in crude-oil refining, including catalytic hydrotreating, catalytic reforming, and fluid catalytic cracking. It clearly explains commonly used approaches to reactor modeling for steady-state and dynamic simulations, discussing thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, process variables, process schemes, and reactor design.

With an emphasis on all things practical, the book provides a wealth of real-world examples and simulation results, illustrating how to simulate both experimental reaction units and commercial plants. Readers will find all the requisite data for building and validating models and learn how to adapt their own computer programs for use in reactor simulation, optimization, and design. Coverage includes:

  • An overview of petroleum refining topics, such as petroleum properties, separation, and upgrading processes
  • Detailed descriptions of the different reactor models, comparing advantages and disadvantages
  • Key features of catalytic hydrotreating reactors, along with modeling and simulation examples
  • Conversion processes involved in catalytic reforming, plus modeling and validating a kinetic reforming model
  • Modeling and simulation of the fluid catalytic cracking reactor in a wide range of situations
  • Hundreds of citations drawing on virtually all previously published works on the subject

Timely, authoritative, and complete, Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining is an essential reference for chemical and process engineers, computational chemists and modelers, researchers and professionals in the petroleum industry, and anyone wishing to develop commercial simulators and software for reactor modeling.

About the Author
JORGE ANCHEYTA, PhD, is a research and development project leader at the Mexican Petroleum Institute (IMP) and professor at the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. Dr. Ancheyta has been awarded the Highest Level (III) National Researcher Distinction by the Mexican government and is a member of the Mexican Academy of Science. He has also served as a guest editor of various international journals including Catalysis Today, Petroleum Science and Technology, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Energy & Fuels, and Fuel.

Petroleum Engineer's Guide to Oil Field Chemicals and Fluids

Petroleum Engineer's Guide to Oil Field Chemicals and Fluids

Petroleum Engineer's Guide to Oil Field Chemicals and Fluids
by Johannes Fink

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Book Description
Oilfield chemical demand has risen 4.3 percent annually through 2011. Gains will be driven by a rise in rig counts, more use of well stimulation and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods and more deepwater drilling and production. Working Guide to Oil Field Chemicals is a guide to the benefits and trade-offs of numerous oil field chemicals used in the petroleum and natural gas industry today.

Oil field chemicals are gaining increasing importance, as the resources of crude oil are decreasing. An increasing demand of more sophisticated methods in the exploitation of the natural resources emerges for this reason. Working Guide to Oil Field Chemicals reviews the progress in the area of oil field chemicals and additives of the last decade from a rather chemical view. The material presented is a compilation from the literature by screening critically approximately 20,000 references. The book is ordered according to applications, just in the way how the jobs are emerging in practice. It starts with drilling, goes to productions and ends with oil spill. Several chemicals are used in multiple disciplines, and to those separate chapters are devoted. Two index registers are available, an index of chemical substances and a general index.

Condensed for readability this manual provides users with information on oil field chemicals such as drilling muds, Corrosion Inhibitors Gelling Agents, Scale Inhibitors and Bacteria Control. Each chapter follows the same template. In the introductory comments of each chapter a brief introduction to the chemical or polymer type is given and earlier monographs and reviews dealing with the topic are listed for quick reference. The text continues with monomers, polymerization and fabrication techniques and discusses aspects of application. After this, suppliers and commercial grades are collected, as well as safety aspects.

  • Chemicals are ordered by use including drilling muds, corrosion inhibitors, and bacteria control
  • Includes cutting edge chemicals and polymers such as water soluble polymers and viscosity control
  • Handy index of chemical substances as well as a general chemical index

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Engineering Formulas

Engineering Formulas

Engineering Formulas
by Kurt Gieck, Reiner Gieck

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Book Description
This is a revision of the famed pocket guide giving engineers, scientists, technicians, and students thousands of essential technical and mathematical formulas and hundreds of diagrams to simplify and speed their calculations.

About the Author
Kurt and Reiner Gieck own the publisher firm Gieck Verlag, in Germering, Germany where the book is published in German and then translated into English.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

The Language of Interior Design

Alexa Hampton Interior Design

Alexa Hampton: The Language of Interior Design
by Alexa Hampton

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Book Description
At an early age, Alexa Hampton learned the language of good design, the vocabulary to speak it, and the elements that define it. As the daughter of interior design legend Mark Hampton, she traveled the world by her father’s side, touring the great architectural landmarks and discovering beauty, training her eye.

Now one of America’s most influential designers herself, Alexa Hampton provides a tour of stunning residences from her own portfolio.

Eighteen classic spaces illustrate in rich detail the elements that govern cultivated design—contrast, proportion, color, and balance. Among the residences are a landmark 1912 McKim, Mead & White restoration on Fifth Avenue in New York City; an eclectic house by the sea layered in textures, patterns, and colors; a contemporary apartment distinguished by simple geometry and clean lines; and Hampton’s own apartment, filled with an exquisite collection of architectural elements.

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Hampton also explains how she tailored each space to meet her clients’ needs while retaining a timeless aesthetic, and she provides design expertise on everything from fabric schemes to the particulars of paint. From a French neoclassical tour de force of architec-ture, artwork, and design to a Queen Anne summer cottage furnished to showcase the house’s graceful nineteenth-century dimensions, the spaces here speak the language of design—a language that, under Hampton’s tutelage, anyone can master.

About the Author
ALEXA HAMPTON, president of Mark Hampton, LLC, since 1998, has annually been listed in Architectural Digest and House Beautiful as one of the country’s top interior designers. She is also the designer of a growing stable of eponymous licensed products for the home, including furniture, fabrics, carpets, and lighting. She lives in New York City with her husband and children.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Managerial Accounting

Managerial Accounting

Managerial Accounting
by Ray Garrison, Eric Noreen, Peter Brewer

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Book Description
As the long-time #1 best-seller, Garrison has helped guide close to 3 million students through managerial accounting since it was first published. It identifies the three functions managers must perform within their organizations, plan operations, control activities, and make decisions—and explains what accounting information is necessary for these functions, how to collect it, and how to interpret it. Garrison’s Managerial Accounting is known for its relevance, accuracy, and clarity. It is also unique in that the authors write the most important supplements that accompany the book: solutions manual, test bank, instructor’s manual, and study guide – making them both of high quality and extremely consistent with the textbook.

About the Author
Ray H. Garrison is emeritus Professor of Accounting at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Brigham Young University and his D.B.A. degree from Indiana University. As a certified public accountant, Professor Garrison has been involved in management consulting work with both national and regional accounting firms. He has published articles in The Accounting Review, Management Accounting, and other professional journals. Innovation in the classroom has earned Professor Garrison the Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Teaching Award from Brigham Young University.

Peter C. Brewer is a professor in the Department of Accountancy at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. He holds a BS degree in accounting from Penn State University, an MS degree in accounting from the University of Virginia, and a PhD from the University of Tennessee. He has published 30 articles in a variety of journals including: Management Accounting Research, the Journal of Information Systems, Cost Management, Strategic Finance, the Journal of Accountancy, Issues in Accounting Education, and the Journal of Business Logistics. Professor Brewer is a member of the editorial boards of Issues in Accounting Education and the Journal of Accounting Education. His article “Putting Strategy into the Balanced Scorecard” won the 2003 International Federation of Accountants’ Articles of Merit competition and his articles “Using Six Sigma to Improve the Finance Function” and “Lean Accounting: What’s It All About?” were awarded the Institute of Management Accountants’ Lybrand Gold and Silver Medals in 2005 and 2006. He has received Miami University’s Richard T. Farmer School of Business Teaching Excellence Award and has been recognized on two occasions by the Miami University Associated Student Government for “making a remarkable commitment to students and their educational development.” He is a leading thinker in undergraduate management accounting curriculum innovation and is a frequent presenter at various professional and academic conferences. Prior to joining the faculty at Miami University, Professor Brewer was employed as an auditor for Touche Ross in the firm’s Philadelphia office. He also worked as an internal audit manager for the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He frequently collaborates with companies such as Harris Corporation, Ghent Manufacturing, Cintas, Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Schneider Electric, Lenscrafters, and Fidelity Investments in a consulting or case writing capacity.

Eric W. Noreen is a globe�trotting academic who has held appointments at institutions in the United States, Europe, and Asia. He is currently Professor of Accounting at the University of Washington and Visiting Price Waterhouse Professor of Management Information & Control at INSEAD, an international graduate school of business located in France.He received his B.A. degree from the University of Washington and MBA and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University. A Certified Management Accountant, he was awarded a Certificate of Distinguished Performance by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Essential Haematology

Includes FREE Desktop Edition

Essential Haematology, Includes FREE Desktop Edition
by Victor Hoffbrand, Paul Moss

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Book Description
Essential Haematology is established as the most authoritative introduction to haematology. Beautifully presented, it introduces the formation and function of blood cells and diseases that arise from dysfunction and disruption of these processes. Basic science, diagnostic tests, clinical features and management are all clearly explained. The book outlines the basic principles of clinical and laboratory haematology and shows how manifestations of blood diseases can be explained by new knowledge of the disease processes.

For the first time, Essential Haematology is fully supported by a suite of online MCQs and answers, and is now available as a FREE enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition (upon purchase of the book).

  • Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research in this fast-moving field
  • Contains summary boxes at the end of each chapter
  • Includes an expanded treatment range and an expanded section on bone marrow failure and transplantation
  • Includes a companion website at featuring figures and tables from the book for downloading, and interactive multiple choice questions prepared by the authors

About the Author
Victor Hoffbrand is Emeritus Professor of Haematology at University College London and Honorary Consultant Haematologist at the Royal Free Hospital, London Paul Moss is Professor of Haematology at the University of Birmingham, UK

Thursday, 7 July 2011

A Practical Guide for Nurses and Allied Professionals

Cardiac Arrhythmia Management

Cardiac Arrhythmia Management: A Practical Guide for Nurses and Allied Professionals
by Angela Tsiperfal, Linda Ottoboni, Salwa Beheiry, Amin Al-Ahmad, Andrea Natale, Paul J. Wang

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Book Description
Cardiac Arrhythmia Management: A Practical Guide for Nurses and Allied Professionals provides a much needed resource for nurses and other professionals who work directly with patients being treated for cardiac arrhythmias.

Comprehensive in scope, the book covers cardiac arrhythmia conditions and the issues surrounding implantable devices from implant surgery to remote monitoring and troubleshooting. Edited by a team of doctors and nurses, the book addresses key patient management issues in a practical way. Fundamentals for understanding the anatomy and physiology of cardiac arrhythmias and the technology behind cardiac devices are covered in preliminary chapters followed by more specific chapters devoted to cardiac conditions and treatments. Both novices and experienced health professionals will find the book useful and easy to use on a day-to-day basis.

About the Author
Angela Tsiperfal, MS, RN, NP, Electrophysiology, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, California.

Linda K. Ottoboni,RN, MS, FHRS, CCDS, Arrhythmia Nurse Coordinator, Stanford Hospital and Clinics, Stanford, California.

Salwa Beheiry, RN, CCRN, Director of Electrophysiology Services, California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, California.

Amin Al-Ahmad, MD, FACC, FHRS, Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory and Associate Director, Arrhythmia Service, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, California.

Andrea Natale, MD, FACC, FHRS, Executive Medical Director, Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute, St. David’s Medical Center, Austin, Texas.

Paul Wang, MD, FACC, FHRS, Professor of Medicine, Director of Cardiac Arrhythmia Service and Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Advanced Mechanics of Materials & Applied Elasticity

Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity

Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity
by Ansel C. Ugural, Saul K. Fenster

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Book Description
This systematic exploration of real-world stress analysis has been completely updated to reflect state-of-the-art methods and applications now used in aeronautical, civil, and mechanical engineering, and engineering mechanics. Distinguished by its exceptional visual interpretations of solutions, Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity offers in-depth coverage for both students and engineers. The authors carefully balance comprehensive treatments of solid mechanics, elasticity, and computer-oriented numerical methods preparing readers for both advanced study and professional practice in design and analysis.

This major revision contains many new, fully reworked, illustrative examples and an updated problem set including many problems taken directly from modern practice. It offers extensive content improvements throughout, beginning with an all-new introductory chapter on the fundamentals of materials mechanics and elasticity.

Readers will find new and updated coverage of plastic behavior, three-dimensional Mohr’s circles, energy and variational methods, materials, beams, failure criteria, fracture mechanics, compound cylinders, shrink fits, buckling of stepped columns, common shell types, and many other topics. The authors present significantly expanded and updated coverage of stress concentration factors and contact stress developments. Finally, they fully introduce computer-oriented approaches in a comprehensive new chapter on the finite element method.

About the Author
Ansel C. Ugural, Ph.D., is a visiting professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has held various faculty and administrative positions at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and previously taught at the University of Wisconsin. Ugural has extensive industrial experience, is a member of several professional societies, and is author of Mechanics of Materials (Wiley, 2007), Stresses in Beams, Plates and Shells (CRC Press, 2009), and Mechanical Design: An Integrated Approach (McGraw-Hill, 2004).

Saul K. Fenster, Ph.D., was a professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, where he served as president for over twenty years. He is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Society for Engineering Education.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Sustainable Commercial Interiors

Sustainable Commercial Interiors

Sustainable Commercial Interiors
by Penny Bonda, Katie Sosnowchik

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Book Description
A step-by-step guide to designing environmentally friendly commercial interiors.

Millions of people in the U.S. workforce rely on interior designers to create environments that make them happy and productive, as well as promote their safety and well-being. Sustainable Commercial Interiors provides an engaging introduction to and exploration of the vast field of sustainable design as it specifically relates to commercial interior spaces.

In Sustainable Commercial Interiors, coauthors Penny Bonda, a noted expert on interior design and sustainability, and Katie Sosnowchik, an interior design editor and innovator, share their passion for environmental advocacy while offering designers and architects the technical knowledge important for success in this evolving discipline. The authors apply the concept of environmental responsibility to the design of interiors, and employ the organization of the LEED Green Building Rating System(r) to sort the design process into five categories: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy issues, materials, and indoor environmental quality.

Chapters explore:

  • In-depth information about interior finishes and furnishings,
  • Best contemporary examples of sustainable commercial interior design projects, including photos and drawings of the design,
  • Outside-the-boundaries thinking about sites, water, and energy issues,
  • Materials, with a strong emphasis on life-cycle thinking,
  • Indoor environmental quality, including acoustics, thermal comfort, daylighting, and views,
  • Green design tools, including standards, certification programs, and specifications,

Based on the premise that designers, with their power to create, have responsibilities beyond others, Sustainable Commercial Interiors is a vital tool for both novice and veteran green-minded practitioners.

About the Author
Penny Bonda, FASID, LEED-AP, is an interior designer and past president of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). A founding Chair of both the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED for Commercial Interiors Committee and the ASID Sustainable Design Council, Bonda is the Eco-Editor of the Green Zone, an online resource of Interior Design magazine at

Katie Sosnowchik served as editorial director of Interiors & Sources magazine, is a founding editor of green@work magazine, and is also one of the creators and strategic planners of the annual EnvironDesign conferences. She is currently a freelance writer and communications consultant.

Alternative Energy: Sources and Systems

Alternative Energy

Alternative Energy: Sources and Systems
by Donald Steeby

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Book Description
The skyrocketing demand for clean, abundant energy has resulted in a need for comprehensive information that can be used by builders, technicians, energy industry professionals, and anyone else wanting to learn about alternative forms of energy and their everyday uses. With a vast array of information available on the subject, Alternative Energy: Sources & Systems stands out from the crowd as an easy-to-read resource on current, mainstream technologies as well as those on the horizon.

This book bridges the gap between overly simplistic information and high-level engineering materials. Instead, Alternative Energy: Sources & Systems serves as a comprehensive guide that explores solar, wind, and other sources, and the technology available to harness them. Readers will gain a better understanding of how these systems work as well as how they are put together.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Building Systems for Interior Designers

Building Systems for Interior Designers

Building Systems for Interior Designers
by Corky Binggeli

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Book Description
As integral members of the building design team, interior designers share an increasingly complex and crucial role. Now revised in its second edition, Building Systems for Interior Designers remains the one go-to resource that addresses the special concerns of the interior designer within the broader context of the rest of the building design team.

Building Systems for Interior Designers, Second Edition explains technical building systems and engineering issues in a clear and accessible way to interior designers. Covering systems from HVAC to water and waste to lighting, transportation, and safety, author Corky Binggeli enables interior designers to communicate more effectively with architects, engineers, and contractors; collaborate effectively on projects; and contribute to more accurate solutions for a broad range of building considerations.

Among the many improvements in the Second Edition are:

  • A deeper engagement with sustainable building design, giving the interior designer the resources needed to participate as part of a sustainable design team
  • A reshaped structure that enhances the reader's understanding of the material
  • Many more illustrations and explanatory captions

With a host of features to make the book more up to date, easier to use, and more effective as an instructive guide, Building Systems for Interior Designers, Second Edition is a valuable book for students as well as a practical desktop reference for professionals.

About the Author
Corky Binggeli, ASID, is a principal at Corky Binggeli Interior Design in Boston and has taught at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston and Boston Architectural College. A professional member of ASID and past President of ASID New England, she is the author of Graphic Standards Field Guide to Commercial Interiors; Interior Graphic Standards, Second Edition; Materials for Interior Environments; and coauthor with Francis D. K. Ching of Interior Design Illustrated, Second Edition, all from Wiley.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System


Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation
by Donald A. Neumann PhD PT FAPTA

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Book Description
Brilliantly and abundantly illustrated, this dynamic resource is the most comprehensive, research-based, reader-friendly text on kinesiology. An engaging approach explores the fundamental principles in vivid detail and clarifies the link between the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system to help you ensure a clear, confident understanding.

  • UNIQUE! Clinical Connections boxes in each chapter enhance your understanding and promote practical application.
  • Special Focus boxes and clinical examples throughout the text bridge classroom content with real-world application to help you succeed in practice.
  • Logically organized content establishes an understanding of fundamental concepts before moving on to more complex material to make learning easier.
  • Chapter outlines provide a framework for learning and enable you to reference specific topics at a glance.
  • UNIQUE! A companion Evolve Resources website reinforces your understanding through kinesiology video clips and answers to study questions.
  • UNIQUE! More than 500 high-quality, full-color illustrations clarify musculoskeletal anatomy and reinforce anatomic concepts.
  • Study questions in each chapter test your comprehension and strengthen your critical-thinking capabilities.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning


Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology
by Bill Whitman, Bill Johnson, John Tomczyk, Eugene Silberstein

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Book Description
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology, 6th Edition, a time-honored best seller, has been updated and revised to provide superior hands-on information needed to successfully maintain and troubleshoot today's complex heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems. The new sixth edition contains units updated to include advances or changes in technology, procedures, and or equipment. Over 250 new images have been added to emphasize the practical application approach to the book. It fosters a solid foundation and understanding of environmental problems and their solutions, and displays a depth and detail of theory, diagnostics, and repair procedures that make this a fitting book for basic HVAC-R education as well as upgrading and certification training for technicians in the field.

"The three greatest strengths of this text are: 1) the graphic illustrations which strike a good balance between realism and expression of concept; 2) the inclusion and content of Section 10 which provide a needed addition for technicians who are working in facilities maintenance or commercial AC; and 3) the plain style of writing which seems to come more from a technician than from an engineer."