Thursday, 22 September 2011

Handbook of Forensic Assessment

Handbook of Forensic Assessment

Handbook of Forensic Assessment: Psychological and Psychiatric Perspectives
by Eric Y. Drogin

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Book Description
The first handbook to explore forensic assessment from psychiatric and psychological perspectives

The practitioner-oriented coverage in the Handbook of Forensic Assessment examines:

  • The current state of psychology and psychiatry—including requisite clinical competencies, ethical guidelines, and considerations of multidisciplinary collaboration
  • Various approaches to assessments in criminal and civil matters
  • The principles of effective preparation, data collection, and interpretation, as well as communication for each special situation
  • Topics including competence to stand trial, sexual offender evaluations, addictions, child abuse, and education
  • Overarching practice issues, such as practice development, retention, compensation, consultation, and forensic treatment
  • Includes sample reports that demonstrate the integrative potential of both psychology and psychiatry

Incorporating a wealth of current and multidisciplinary research, the Handbook of Forensic Assessment is destined to become every mental health professional's most valuable one-stop reference for their forensic work.

"The editors have assembled a magnificent collaboration between psychiatrists and psychologists to bring forth critical knowledge and insight to the core competency of forensic assessment. This handbook is essential reading and a comprehensive resource for both newly minted and seasoned forensic practitioners." — Robert I. Simon, MD, Director, Program in Psychiatry and Law, Georgetown University School of Medicine

"This long-awaited resource blows the dust off traditional standards, shakes the cobwebs out of our old ways of thinking, and shows the practical steps in producing work that will make sense to juries and withstand the most skillful cross-examination. . . . [T]here is no better resource." — Kenneth S. Pope, PhD, ABPP, Diplomate in Clinical Psychology; coauthor, Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling, Fourth Edition

"From preparation to collection to interpretation to communication of the results, this excellent, comprehensive treasure shows how to conduct forensic assessments. Each splendid evidence-based chapter is presented from the collaboration between psychologists and psychiatrists. It is a must-have resource for forensic experts as well as general practitioners or anyone wishing to understand standard of care in forensic assessment." — Melba Vasquez, PhD, ABPP, 2011 American Psychological Association President

Thursday, 15 September 2011

The Chemist's Companion Guide to Patent Law

The Chemist's Companion Guide to Patent Law

The Chemist's Companion Guide to Patent Law
by Chris P. Miller, Mark J. Evans

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Book Description
Written by an individual with experience as both a chemist and a patent attorney, The Chemist's Companion Guide to Patent Law covers everything the student or working chemist needs to know about patentability, explaining important concepts of patent law (such as novelty, non-obviousness, and freedom-to-operate) in easy-to-understand terms. Through abundant examples from case law as well as real-world situations with which a researcher might be faced, this book provides readers with a better understanding of how to put that knowledge into practice.

About the Author
CHRIS P. MILLER obtained his PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh and is a magna cum laude graduate of the Temple University Beasley School of Law. Dr. Miller has over a decade of research experience as a medicinal chemist in the pharmaceutical industry and has worked as an associate at a law firm as well as served as in-house patent counsel in big pharma and the biotech industry. Dr. Miller is licensed to practice law before the state bar of Pennsylvania and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. He currently is practicing both medicinal chemistry and patent law in the Boston area.

MARK J. EVANS obtained his PhD from Northwestern University and his MBA from Penn State University; has fifteen years of pharmaceutical industry experience in the development of both small molecule and protein therapeutics at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and Alexion Pharmaceuticals; and currently works in regulatory affairs in the Philadelphia area.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The Law of Healthcare Administration

The Law of Healthcare Administration

The Law of Healthcare Administration
by J. Stuart Showalter

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Book Description
Now in its fifth edition, The Law of Healthcare Administration continues to examine the legal aspects of healthcare from a management perspective. Using plain language, the book is a comprehensive treatment of health law in the United States, addressing topics from the basic structure of the court system to the general legal responsibilities of healthcare organizations to the specific liabilities inherent in the provision of care. Legal concepts in the book are supported by examples from actual court decisions.

About the Author
J. Stuart Showalter, JD, MFS, has spent most of his career dealing with health law issues. From 1972 through 1980, he served in the U.S. Navy in various positions, including as in-house counsel, as malpractice-claims defense attorney, and as counsel to the U.S. Navy Surgeon General. From 1980 to 1996, Mr. Showalter was vice president and in-house counsel to the Catholic Health Association of the United States. In addition, he has been a hospital system s director of compliance and a law professor.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Practical Approach for Health Care Management

Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management

Health Care Information Systems
by Karen A. Wager, Frances W. Lee, John P. Glaser

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Book Description
"This is the most comprehensive and authoritative book available for the field today." — Mark L. Diana, PhD, assistant professor and MHA program director, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University

"With health care information technology now in the national policy spotlight, this book should be required reading for every health care administrator and student." — Mark Leavitt, MD, PhD, chairman, Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology

"The book provides an excellent overview of foundational principles and practical strategies—a valuable reference for health administration and health informatics students and professionals." — Eta S. Berner, EdD, professor, Department of Health Services Administration, University of Alabama, Birmingham

About the Author
Karen A. Wager, DBA, is executive director of student affairs and associate professor, College of Health Professions, Medical University of South Carolina.

Frances Wickham Lee, DBA, is director of instructional operations for the Clinical Effectiveness and Patient Safety Center and associate professor, College of Health Professions and College of Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina.

John P. Glaser, PhD, is vice president and chief information officer, Partners HealthCare, Boston, Massachusetts.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Oil & Gas Production in Nontechnical Language

Oil & Gas Production in Nontechnical Language

Oil & Gas Production in Nontechnical Language
by Martin S. Raymond, William L. Leffler

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Book Description
This nontechnical treatment is a great introduction to oil and gas production for anyone from beginning petroleum engineering and geology students to accountants, salespersons, and other professionals interested in the industry. Co-authored by Martin Raymond, a veteran production manager, and William Leffler, one of the top petroleum nontechnical writers, it is an easy-to-read reference for those who deal with petroleum industry personnel and production issues in their jobs, but need a quick overview of the technical and business issues. Complete with helpful charts and diagrams, this book covers everything from production equipment and processes to theory, business operations, and strategies.

About the Author
Martin S. Raymond, a veteran of more than 40 years in exploration and production, was senior vice-president – E&P for J.M. Huber Corporation. During his career he also held engineering, administrative, and management positions with Shell Oil and Forest Oil. He earned a BA degree from Princeton in geology and a masters degree from the University of California at Berkeley. Currently, Raymond consults in the area of operating process management for E & P companies.

William L. Leffler received his BS from M.I.T. and masters and doctorate degrees in business administration from New York University. Following his career with Royal Dutch/Shell in the upstream, downstream, and petrochemicals business, he became a writer and consultant. He has authored multiple PennWell titles including the bestselling Petroleum Refining in Nontechnical Language (2000), Petrochemicals in Nontechnical Language (2001), and Deepwater Petroleum Exploration & Production: A Nontechnical Guide (2003).

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Medical Mysteries

From the Bizarre to the Deadly . . . The Cases That Have Baffled Doctors

Medical Mysteries
by Ann Reynolds, Kenneth Wapner

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Book Description
Medical Mysteries takes you to the front lines of the medical fringe, where absolutely anything is possible.

From the files of the hit ABC primetime show Medical Mysteries comes this impossible-to-put-down collection of the strangest medical stories you are ever likely to hear. Learn about the man who seems to be turning into a tree; the woman who's seasick--on land; the little girl who was born with all her organs reversed; and the musician who can hear everything inside his body--even his eyeballs moving back and forth in their sockets..

Put yourself in the examination room as doctors uncover and try to cure the most bizarre of medical conditions.

About the Author
Ann Reynolds is a senior producer at ABC News. Born in Los Angeles, she graduated from Yale. She lives in New York with her family.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2012

CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2012

CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2012
by Stephen McPhee, Maxine Papadakis, Michael W. Rabow

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Book Description
Written by clinicians renowned in their respective fields, CMDT offers the most current insight into symptoms, signs, epidemiology, and treatment for more than 1,000 diseases and disorders. For each topic, you’ll find concise, evidence-based answers to questions about hospital and ambulatory medicine. This streamlined clinical companion is the fastest and easiest way to keep abreast of the latest medical advances, prevention strategies, and cost-effective treatments.

Features and content critical to clinical practice:

  • Strong emphasis on the practical aspects of clinical diagnosis and patient management in all fields of internal medicine
  • Full review of all internal medicine and primary care topics, including gynecology and obstetrics, dermatology, neurology, ophthalmology, geriatrics, and palliative care
  • The only text with an annual review of advances in HIV treatment
  • Specific disease prevention information
  • Hundreds of drug treatment tables, with indexed trade names and updated prices – plus helpful diagnostic and treatment algorithms
  • Recent references with PMID numbers
  • ICD-9 codes conveniently listed on the inside covers
  • Six online-only chapters available at no additional cost
  • Full-color photographs and illustrations

Monday, 5 September 2011

Science of Bridges, Buildings, Dams, and Other Feats of Engineering

Super Structures

The Introduction made the point that this is not a coffee-table picture book. But it will appeal to the interested layperson who is curious about how structures work and about the factors influencing their development over several millennia. It would also be useful background reading for students of architecture and building.

Super Structures: The Science of Bridges, Buildings, Dams, and Other Feats of Engineering
by Mark Denny

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Book Description
Ever wonder how a graceful and slender bridge can support enormous loads over truly astonishing spans? Why domes and free-standing arches survive earthquakes that flatten the rest of a city?

Physicist Mark Denny looks at the large structures around us—tall buildings, long bridges, and big dams—and explains how they were designed and built and why they sometimes collapse, topple, or burst.

Denny uses clear, accessible language to explain the physics behind such iconic structures as the Parthenon, the Eiffel Tower, the Forth Rail Bridge in Edinburgh, and Hoover Dam. His friendly approach allows readers to appreciate the core principles that keep these engineering marvels upright without having to master complex mathematical equations.

Employing history, humor, and simple physics to consider such topics as when to use screws or nails, what trusses are, why iron beams are often I-shaped, and why medieval cathedrals have buttresses, Denny succeeds once again in making physics fun.

About the Author
After earning a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Edinburgh University, Mark Denny pursued research at Oxford University from 1981 to 1984, then moved into a career in industry. He is the author of Ingenium: Five Machines That Changed the World; Blip, Ping, and Buzz: Making Sense of Radar and Sonar; Float Your Boat! The Evolution and Science of Sailing; and Froth! The Science of Beer, all of which are published by Johns Hopkins. Denny is now semi-retired and lives on Vancouver Island.